Sca D

Versatile, light and robust, this platform is suitable for many applications and vehicles. The hot galvanized steel structure provides long life and high loading capacity, incorporating a ‘shovel tail’ section to reduce the platform loading angle, with low ground clearance for easy loading. Highly customisable and with a long list of accessories, ideal for recovering medium-sized vehicles from 7 to 10 tons GWV.

Sca-D tail


Technical Load-bearing capacity of loading platform: 3000 kg
Dimensions: 5350/5750x2200 mm (GVW 6,5/7 T; 6000x2300 mm (GVW 7, 5/8 T)
Transversely mobile winch, towing capacity at 1st rop layer: 3600 kg
Technical Lifting Capacity of Forks: 1500 kg
Installations: GVW 6, 5/7/8 T