On-Site Vehicle Body Repairs
1st February 2017
It is an unavoidable fact that due to the environments in which they operate commercial vehicles are susceptible to body damage. Whilst it’s important to maintain vehicles in a good, safe condition, the situation everyone wants to avoid is having the vehicle out of action for extended periods while it is sent for repair.
It was to help operators maintain their vehicles in prime condition and minimise down-time that T H WHITE Lorry Cranes launched a mobile body repair service in 2015, which has proved extremely popular and effective.
Two specially-equipped vans are currently in service covering the Midlands, London, the South East and the Home Counties, carrying out on-the-spot repairs at times to fit in with your schedule. The repair service is also available in the north on request and it is planned to add a third van specifically to cover the North of England.
The mobile facility with its workshop tools and extensive stock of parts is capable of undertaking a surprising range of repairs including dropside, side impact protection, rear under run and floors. Both vehicles are fitted with onboard generators and welders capable of all site welding, including aluminium.Routine body inspections (T H WHITE’s online compliance system) can also be carried out on-site and estimates can be provided for all repairs.
To find out more about our on-site commercial vehicle repair service call us on 01380 722381, then select 1 for Service, 2 for Breakdowns and Defects, 2 for Body Repairs, or visit our website, thwhitelorrycranes.co.uk